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Dental Exams

Smiling white patient calmly sitting a dental chair while her white dental assistant speaks with herGetting a dental examination from an expert is critical if you want to avoid oral health ailments. Keeping proper dental health is linked to mental and physical wellness. With poor oral health you will realize that the quality of your life is affected. You might be unable to talk or smile due to missing or stained teeth. It is therefore in your best interest that you avoid any dental health issues from arising.

Thankfully, at Cornell Dental, we can help you in your quest of maintaining or restoring perfect oral wellness. We can do this through effective dental exam procedures that have been proven to offer the required results for positive dental outcomes. You can therefore make a point of visiting our practice to get effective dental exams. Our dentists offer different exams depending on what is ailing you.

Comprehensive Dental Exams

Comprehensive dental exams are performed when you come for your first checkup and can be done every couple of years. When you come to the dental clinic you will consult with our dental experts who will advise you on the next steps. A comprehensive exam is performed to get a complete and clear picture of your dental health. You can therefore expect to have an oral cancer screening, x-ray images taken, TMJ exam, analysis of any underlying health conditions, and an examination of every tooth.

A comprehensive exam will be key for our dental experts to understand what will be required to restore or retain your dental health. It acts as a baseline reading for specialists. When you come to your regular checkups, our dentists can use this to track and monitor any changes to your dental health.

Regular Dental Exams

Sometimes called recall checkups or exams, regular dental checkups are performed when you come in for your routine dental visit. These are important as it gives our dentists a chance to see whether you might be at increased risk of developing oral problems. In this way, the dental specialist will begin treatment that seeks to avoid the problem from advancing and becoming even worse.

Limited Dental Exams

Limited dental exams are conducted for specific conditions related to your oral health. If for instance, you come to the clinic complaining of a severe toothache, you can have a dental x-ray taken which reveals the exact cause of your pain. A limited dental exam is important as it allows for the personalization of your treatment. During a limited dental exam, the dentist will not examine other teeth as they will be solely focused on finding the cause of your pain and devising a treatment plan to correct the issue.

Schedule Your Next Dental Exam at Our Office

Regular dental exams are important for you and your family. You will be able to avoid dental complications that can arise if you fail to have a dental expert examine your oral health. Visit us at Cornell Dental for an examination. We have modern dental procedures that guarantee you to have optimal care and management. Give us a call at (971) 397-6196 to consult with our dental specialists and book your appointment.
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Cornell Dental, 5880 NE Cornell Rd. Suite A, Hillsboro, OR 97124 • (971) 397-6196 • • 2/1/2025 • Key Phrases: dentist Hillsboro OR •